
Body massages and facial massages

Body massages
Personal SPA body massage therapy (75min.)
75 min.
89 €

Our time is valuable, and we must choose how we spend it wisely. We are constantly exposed to fatigue, stress, and discomfort from standing or sitting at work. We therefore look for quick solutions that help us lead healthier lives, and as many people know, massage is one of the most effective paths to wellness. Given the number of different techniques being practiced and their diverse effects, it may be difficult to determine exactly which technique to choose for a particular situation. We have created the Personal Spa Body Massage Therapy as a response to this problem. This service offers a consultation with a specialist in massage methods to achieve optimal results. When it comes to our health, benefiting from a personalised experience is just as important as any other part of our lives.

During the Personal Spa Body Massage Therapy, the massage therapist first asks the guest questions to establish a medical history and gain insight into their condition and expectations. Then the therapist chooses massage techniques tailored to that guest’s particular situation.  

Note that not every therapist can perform the Personal Spa Body Massage Therapy. Only therapists who have gained a suitable level of experience, have mastered various massage techniques, and are proficient in their knowledge of the results can offer this service.

Personal spa body massage therapy
60 min.
79 €
Anti-cellulite massage (with problem area scrubs)
60 min.
79 €
Anti-stress back, head and foot massage
60 min.
79 €

Did you know that just one of these special massage sessions is equivalent to four hours of deep sleep? This massage uses ancient Indian and Thai techniques to induce complete relaxation.

During this therapy, a practitioner stimulates certain points on the shoulders, neck, head and feet. These points affect the main functional systems of our bodies. This type of therapy helps increase the level of oxygen supplied to the brain, relaxes the nervous system and improves overall physical function. This massage also stimulates the release of endorphins (happiness hormones), which provides a feeling of total relaxation, making any emotional, psychological and physical stress that has become a part of everyday life easy to overcome. After the procedure, you will feel revitalised, completely relaxed and soothed. Your mood will improve and you will feel creative and open to new ideas. 

This therapy is recommended for individuals who feel rushed, physically and emotionally exhausted, fatigued and stressed out, or for those who experience headaches and shoulder pain.

Bagua - harmonizing full body massage (60min.)
60 min.
79 €

BAGUA body massage is performed based on Eastern healing techniques. It encompasses more than 200 entirely new massage techniques and combinations performed along the body's energy lines, aiming to restore balance to the body and mind, which is particularly important for health.

With BAGUA massage techniques, deep muscles are reached, tension is reduced, and manifestations of psychosomatic body reactions are diminished.

Effects: relaxes, alleviates the impact of stress, replenishes energy and vitality.

Bagua - harmonizing full body massage (75min.)
75 min.
89 €

BAGUA body massage is performed based on Eastern healing techniques. It encompasses more than 200 entirely new massage techniques and combinations performed along the body's energy lines, aiming to restore balance to the body and mind, which is particularly important for health.

With BAGUA massage techniques, deep muscles are reached, tension is reduced, and manifestations of psychosomatic body reactions are diminished.

Effects: relaxes, alleviates the impact of stress, replenishes energy and vitality.

Haemo-lymphatic drainage massage
75 min.
89 €

Masažo išskirtinumas tas, kad specifiniais judesiais veikiama ne tik limfinė, veninė kraujotaka, tačiau ir tarpląsteliniai skysčiai. „Limfodrenažas“, kaip atskira masažo rūšis, žinomas nuo XX a. 30-ųjų metų. Manualinės terapijos institute „INMASTER“ profesorius Enrikė Kastells Garsija sukūrė Hemolimfodrenažo masažo metodiką. Norint pasiekti maksimalų rezultatą naudojami įvairūs judesiai, veikiantys limfos nutekėjimą ir veninį pritekėjimą. Hemolimfodrenažinio masažo poveikis:    

 • Imuniteto sustiprinimas.                                      

 • Diurezės suaktyvinimas.                                      

 • Aktyvinamas medžiagų apykaitos produktų pašalinimas.                                               

 • Pabrinkimų sumažinimas.                                   

 • Užsistovėjimų pašalinimas audiniuose ir raumenyse.                                                           

 • Oksidacinių procesų aktyvinimas.                        

 • Sumažėja širdies susitraukimų dažnis, arterinis kraujo spaudimas ir t.t.

Classical relaxing / toning massage
60 min.
79 €
Preventative therapeutic whole body massage
60 min.
79 €
Swedish massage
60 min.
79 €
Hot stone massage
60 min.
79 €

Our warm stone massage is perfect for the colder winter season. Warm stones invigorate the nervous system, reduce stress and promote better sleep. This procedure also relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, facilitates breathing, stimulates the toxin release process, and rejuvenates, cleans and tones the body.

Polynesian Ma-uri-ora massage
60 min.
79 €

Jis ne tik apima visą kūną, įskaitant veidą ir kojas, bet veikia  kūno fizinę, psichinę  ir dvasinę būklę. Fiziniame lygmenyje - valomas ir detoksikuojamas organizmas, stimuliuojama kraujotaka, limfos apytaka, normalizuojamas raumenų tonusas, atpalaiduojami sąnariai, sumažinama streso įtaka ir nuovargis, pagerėja miego kokybė. Daugelis žmonių po sesijos jaučiasi lengvai, tarsi nusimetę nuo pečių sunkią kuprinę.  Emociniame lygmenyje – harmonizuojamos emocijos, padedamos suvokti vidinių baimių, kalčių ir kitokių negatyvių mąstymo modelių ir įpročių priežastys. Tokiu būdu atgaunamas emocinis stabilumas, žmogus atranda motyvaciją pažvelgti į problemas kitokiu kampu ir ieškoti būdų, kaip jas spręsti.

Polynesian Ma-uri-ora massage
90 min.
95 €

Jis ne tik apima visą kūną, įskaitant veidą ir kojas, bet veikia  kūno fizinę, psichinę  ir dvasinę būklę. Fiziniame lygmenyje - valomas ir detoksikuojamas organizmas, stimuliuojama kraujotaka, limfos apytaka, normalizuojamas raumenų tonusas, atpalaiduojami sąnariai, sumažinama streso įtaka ir nuovargis, pagerėja miego kokybė. Daugelis žmonių po sesijos jaučiasi lengvai, tarsi nusimetę nuo pečių sunkią kuprinę.  Emociniame lygmenyje – harmonizuojamos emocijos, padedamos suvokti vidinių baimių, kalčių ir kitokių negatyvių mąstymo modelių ir įpročių priežastys. Tokiu būdu atgaunamas emocinis stabilumas, žmogus atranda motyvaciją pažvelgti į problemas kitokiu kampu ir ieškoti būdų, kaip jas spręsti.

Massage for children (aged 4-12)
35 min.
49 €
Structural myofascial back massage
30 min.
49 €
Bagua - harmonizing back massage
30 min.
49 €

BAGUA body massage is performed based on Eastern healing techniques. It encompasses more than 200 entirely new massage techniques and combinations performed along the body's energy lines, aiming to restore balance to the body and mind, which is particularly important for health.

With BAGUA massage techniques, deep muscles are reached, tension is reduced, and manifestations of psychosomatic body reactions are diminished.

Effects: relaxes, alleviates the impact of stress, replenishes energy and vitality.

Classical relaxing / toning back massage
30 min.
49 €
Preventative therapeutic back massage
30 min.
49 €
Swedish back massage
30 min.
49 €
Classical relaxing / toning leg massage
30 min.
49 €
Structural myofascial leg massage
65 €
Ayurvedic massages
Kerala (60min.)
60 min.
79 €

Kerala, a masterpiece of Ayurvedic massage, is a profoundly relaxing and refreshing full- body massage performed using several different massage movements. It affects the bloodstream as well as the lymphatic, nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. Kerala is a holistic massage that harmonises the body, soul and mind, and helps to recharge your body and bring a smile to your face.

Kerala (90min.)
90 min.
95 €

Kerala, a masterpiece of Ayurvedic massage, is a profoundly relaxing and refreshing full- body massage performed using several different massage movements. It affects the bloodstream as well as the lymphatic, nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. Kerala is a holistic massage that harmonises the body, soul and mind, and helps to recharge your body and bring a smile to your face.

Marma point massage
60 min.
79 €

The Marma massage ensures the harmony of the mind, body and spirit. The Marma acupressure technique unblocks energy channels, allowing energy to flow freely in your body. This massage improves the activity of the nervous system, eliminates stress and balances the relationship with the inner self.

Shiro Abhyanga - head and back massage
35 min.
49 €

Shiro - abhyanga is a head and back massage that nourishes and revives all of your vital senses, promoting natural and normal

functioning. This massage balances the pineal and pituitary glands and strengthens the nervous system, harmonising the functions of the inner organs.

Thai massages
Traditional massage on tatami (60min.)
60 min.
79 €

The traditional full-body Thai massage is done on a special mat, the tatami, while the client wears special clothing. Most massage movements are done using the therapist’s body weight – they use their hands, forearms, elbows and feet, which can impacts dozens of the body’s energy points simultaneously.

Traditional massage on tatami (90min.)
90 min.
95 €

The traditional full-body Thai massage is done on a special mat, the tatami, while the client wears special clothing. Most massage movements are done using the therapist’s body weight – they use their hands, forearms, elbows and feet, which can impacts dozens of the body’s energy points simultaneously.

Traditional full-body Thai massage
60 min.
79 €

The traditional full-body Thai massage is great for the treatment of nervous tension, insomnia, and headaches. The treatment relaxes muscles, improves the metabolism and joints, and strengthens the immune system.

Traditional Thai back massage
35 min.
49 €

The traditional Thai back massage is a deep muscle massage during which the therapist uses their body weight – massaging with the hands, forearms, elbows and feet. It targets deep tissues, helps the body relax, reduces nervous tension, and suppresses various types of pain.

Thai foot massage
35 min.
49 €

The Thai pressure point foot massage is a relaxing massage that relieves tension in the feet using the therapist’s thumb or a special Thai rod. Concentrating on reflexology zones activates important energy points in the feet that are responsible for the function of various organs. This massage improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, reduces fatigue and pain, and heals. During the treatment, the feet and lower legs are massaged, which makes the legs feel lighter, reducing fatigue and swelling.

Bali massages
Traditional whole body Bali massage (60 min.)
60 min.
79 €
Traditional whole body Bali massage (90 min.)
90 min.
95 €
Bali back massage
35 min.
49 €
Bali foot massage
35 min.
49 €
Facial massages
Personal spa face therapy (60 min)
60 min.
79 €
Personal spa face therapy (75 min.)
75 min.
89 €
Japanese Kobido massage
75 min.
89 €

KOBIDO is a unique therapeutic face, neck and décolleté massage performed according to Japanese tradition. 

This intensive massage reduces muscle tension in the face, neck and décolleté area, reduces wrinkles, helps prevent the formation of new wrinkles and improves facial contours. 

The treatment’s quick, rhythmic touches stimulate the facial muscles, decreasing wrinkle visibility and improving skin elasticity.

This treatment helps eliminate impurities and toxins, normalises the skin’s moisture balance and gives the skin a radiant glow.

Sofija classic facial massage
60 min.
79 €

Cosmetics are not enough to keep the face beautiful forever. No matter how effective they might be, they simply cannot replace long-established facial massage techniques. Massage is one of the most effective means of improving blood and lymph circulation, as well as strengthening facial muscles. Changes in the facial contours are visible immediately, and regular facial massages reduce wrinkles, highlight the oval shape of the face, reduce swelling and improve the overall condition of the skin.

The Sofia classic facial massage has a double effect: the technique helps sharpen the facial contours and improve lymph circulation. Sofia spring water, enriched with minerals used for cosmetics, nourishes and restores the skin.

This massage helps to maintain the appearance of youthfulness and has a positive effect on the nervous system and overall wellbeing.

60 min.
79 €
Neurosedative facial massage
60 min.
79 €

How we feel and the way our skin looks depend a lot on what’s going on in our heads. Stress and environmental stimuli have a major impact on our nervous system, so we sometimes don’t realise when we need to rest. Moreover, the kind of rest we need is an altogether different question.

A neurosedative massage facilitates rest for the entire nervous system. The technique relaxes the nervous system, which affects bodily functions, such as breathing, heart rate and muscle tone.

A neurosedative facial massage normalises one’s emotional and mental states, relieves stress, anxiety and sensitivity, and encourages relaxation in general. As it improves mood and sleep quality while promoting a more positive attitude, it becomes easier for people to deal with intense emotions after the massage, such as anger or irritation, and to adapt and respond to various environmental stresses.

In addition to affecting the nervous system, this massage has a positive effect on external and internal facial features – moisture levels in the skin become balanced and the tone of the facial skin improves. Receiving this massage regularly reduces scarring and the depth of wrinkles.

Haemo-lymphatic drainage massage
60 min.
79 €

Limfodrenažinis veido masažas tai ypatingai efektyvus masažas, priklausantis kompresinės terapijos sričiai. Pašalina skysčių sankaupas audiniuose, normalizuoja skysčių apytaką ir tolygų pasiskirstymą. Po masažo oda atrodo skaistesnė, gaivesnė ir gražesnė, nebelieka pabrinkimų ir nesveiko raudonumo. Jis puikiai tinka rūkantiems – pagerinti odos spalvai, metantiems svorį, ramina odą po mechaninio veido valymo. Ženkliai sumažina veido raudonį. Taip pat gerina kraujotaką bei jaunina ir  stangrina odą.

Massages for pregnant
Relaxing pregnancy full-body massage
50 min.
69 €

Masažas atliekamas gulint ant šono ir atsiremiant į specialiai pritaikytą nėščiųjų pagalvę. Masažuojamas visas kūnas – nugara, kojos, rankos, kaklas, pečiai. Masažą saugu atlikti nuo 12 nėštumo savaitės. Naudojamas bazinis aliejus, neturintis eterinių aliejų kvapų.

Relaxing/invigorating pregnancy back massage
25 min.
39 €
Mineralizing body ritual
60 min.
75 €

Body scrubbing with Ca+Mg scrub; Guerande mud wrap; application of silk moisturising cream

Firming body ritual
60 min.
75 €

Body scrubbing with sea salt; firming body mask with Ca; application of firming cream

Light legs ritual
45 min.
59 €

Leg scrubbing with sea salt; sea water gel leg wrap; leg drainage massage

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